Sunday, January 24, 2010

Here are some pictures of fake tubing. I have to admit that I had fun but part of the experience is toting your sled up the hill with tires to help you. Here there was a movable sidewalk that carried your lazy bum up. Where is the cardio and sweat in that? Also, true sledders have to dodge other sledders. Not here. Everyone has their own lane. This was the laziest snow adventure ever. True Michiganians are tougher than this.

Okay, so Frank didn't have a coffee maker out at his house. Being the nice BF that he is he said he would find his in the closet. Finding his coffee maker took 20 minutes, resulted in a full trash bag, and filled the living room for awhile. Thankfully though there is always fresh coffee to be had.

Here is my next project. I have to make 25 of these units. The block is about 16 inches. The magazine I got it from had narrow shashing. I don't think I have it in me to cut 1.5 inch strips and join them together. I'll have to come up with another option. I think a pink sashing might be fun.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Mama Koues bought over 4 yards of this tChristmas panel. I have a feeling she might like it back in the form of somethingr quilted. What should I do with it? It's going to take me months to get through it all.
This is a sideways view of the four placemats I'm making for Liv Koues. I have two of them pieced. Two more to go. I just want to start stipling.

Here is some winter fabric from Mama Koues. The light blue could be a backing but what should I do with the blue that already looks pieced? I have a ton of it. Ideas please!