Sunday, August 21, 2011

Cutting Up

I got bored.  Or I should say antsy.  It's been such a long time since I've done any garment sewing.  We found a new JoAnn's and now I'm in the process of making a new fall dress.  Now, I just need motivation to finish it.

Great Expectations

As a child, I spent many summer and fall days picking.  Picking cherries, blueberries, elderberries, apples, and whatever else the local Michigan fruit farmers could grow or what was on our own fruit trees.  It seemed to be that Dad was using us as slave labor to bring in pounds and pounds of fruit for winter.  I'm pretty sure one year, on my sister Molly's birthday we picked 100 pounds of tart cherries.  What a great birthday for a 6 year old.
The picking went like this.  Load up the truck with children and buckets.  Drive 5-10 miles to local orchard right up to the fruit trees.  Pick until your hearts content.  Pay by the pound and drive home.
One lousy bag of apple.  This will not feed us all winter.

Husband and his buddy happily picking/eating.

1925 Apple House

This is all I have to fill?  Where are my bushel baskets?
 The Mountains of Georgia offer a different take on apple picking.  I had visions of overflowing bushel baskets that we would bring home for apple sauce making.  This isn't how it went.  Instead, we parked in a busy parking lot.  Bought the smallest plastic bag for $10.  Road on a benched wagon to the trees.  Picked for about 10 minutes and road the wagon back. 
Perhaps I stole a few apples in my camera bag, due to my bitter attitude at being charged $10 for a little bag.  Where is the apple picking experience of my childhood? 
Riding the wagon up to the apples.
How should I feel?  Should I be happy that some farms have found a way to make a profit when so many family farms are failing?  Or do I feel like something so familar has been turned into a Disney like attraction? 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Camping In Michigan

 Camping at Lake Port State Park is one of my most favorite things in the world.  We did have tons of rain but it was over before we woke each morning.  The hubs got to experience Lake Huron swimming and the bikes got lots of use.
 Mom and Dad came to visit as well.  We had spaghetti.  I know, a strange camping menu, but we were expecting rain and I wanted something I could cook without the fire. 
We also got to camp without the dogs.  Heaven.  It made us look forward to a life without 3 dogs.  Thank you parents on both sides for dog sitting.

Sister takes out the trash