Saturday, March 19, 2016

New Look 6884 and Kwik Sew 3962


Despite the fact that it is sunny out and there isn't any snow on the ground, it is actually quite chilly outside.  We attended an Easter egg hunt this morning and were rather cold.  Good thing it was fast.  
 The girls agreed reluctantly to an Easter dress photo shoot.  Yesterday, I worked on the buttons and button holes on their pinafores while the baby was fussy after his vaccine from the day before.  For these two outfits I made 16 button holes altogether.  Good thing I like my button holer.
 Because I used a pinafore from one pattern and a dress from another, the pinafores are longer than the dresses.  I've decided that's ok.  No one can really tell, since the pinafore wraps all the way around.
 After Easter I plan to stitch the pinafores up the back and turn them into jumpers to go over t-shirts.

 Can you tell which child is a tad dramatic and which one reserved and contemplative?

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Vintage Simplicity 1075

I've had my eye on this pattern for quite some time but I kept thinking it was too fussy.  In reality, it wasn't too bad.  The directions were great and I even put in two zippers without any foul language.  

It's finally March and we put our Shamrock suspender skirts to good use.  We sneaked out of church early when we found out there wouldn't be Sunday school.  We took awesome photos instead.  
In January, Nana sent us this shamrock print from Field's Fabrics.  I got all nostalgic about Field's as it was the fabric store I walked to while attending Hope College in Holland, Michigan.  I know, who goes fabric shopping in college?  Those of us on a dry campus.  That's who.
Anyways, the print was completely overwhelming to me.  I couldn't think what to do with it.  So I stuck it in a drawer.  That's how I handle my problems.  Hide them away.  

 It was super chilly outside, but the girls were good enough to play along.  Bless them.

 The best part about this pattern is that the straps angle in the back so that they don't fall off as easily.