Monday, June 28, 2010

36 done

OMG! I love this one. I call it Toad in a Chernoble Puddle.
Willow Haven was ok.

Oh Coxey, what an ugly camp you have.

Magic Cross is one of my favorites

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thought I would love the polka dots in Roman Cross but I was wrong. I hate it!
Grandmothers Cross is awesome!

Boy's Nonsense was nice and easy.

Triangle Squares--I love this one.


Here's the five crosses I was so excited about but made way to big and had to whack down. GRRRRR


Here's what I did yesterday. 23 pints of canned tomatoes! Right now pickles are in the canner. I'm trying garlic dills. They don't smell as wonderful as the bread and butters I made last year. I think I'll make a half batch of those now too.

Monday, June 21, 2010

and more


Chuck A Luck

This one is cute but came out way too small. I had to add extra white on the edges to accomodate.
My nine blocks that I chose:
Coxey's Camp
Willow Haven
Roman Cross
Ladies Aid Block
Magic Cross
Boys Nonsense
Grandmother's Cross
Hazy Daisy

Dominoe and Square

This one is my absolute favorite but it took me for freaking ever! I messed up so many times I can't count.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Here is my project du jour! I'm trying to bust up some scraps.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Here is the top for Mama Koues for her birthday. I actually stayed focused and got it done this morning. Now I have to go get the oil changed. That's always a two hour event at the dealership.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Christmas Already?

Remember the Chirstmas fabric Mama Koues gave me back in January? Well here is the start of it being used. I'm making her a throw to give her in Sept. for her birthday. Allie was helping keep it flat.


I started this quilt on spring break last year in New Mexico at Teresa's house. I finished the top last summer. Today at approximately 6:30 I finished the binding. It's my first king sized quilt!

Friday, June 11, 2010

I needed some instant gratification today after quilting and quilting the King. I made this to hang on the front door. If feels like June.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Frank put in the light about the sink months ago and I just now made the curtains to go in front of it. I love a light above the sink. They always have the nicest glow.
Here is the dress. It's not completely done in this photo. The hem still needs doing and some beading has to be added. Plus the whole thing needs to be steamed and pressed. I'm nervous about that part. I hope the dry cleaner doesn't ruin it.

Here is the headpiece and veil I made to go with my retro wedding dress that I made. The headpiece is satin with an lacey overlay and then beading at the back. It will be secured with combs that I still have to attach.
The veil is my favorite. I could walk around all day wearing it.

I've been slack about posting because the wedding has taken over my quilting time. Here is the quilt I sent off to brother John in Texas. Since it's so hot there I didn't put any batting in it just a flannel back. It was super easy to quilt and felt cozy just the same.