Sunday, December 25, 2011

Santa Came!

What do you do when you have multiple chimneys but they all have wood stoves with fires going in them?  Santa can't squeeze out a wood stove.  You let him in through the front door of course.  And... you capture his footprints in flour.  Santa's real live footprints!!  At least that is what happened in our family farm house built in the 1870's.  My husband just can't believe that houses in Michigan don't have fireplaces.  When you live in the arctic your house requires more advanced heating technology.

Santa finally came to visit me at my own house last night.  After 11 years of trekking back home for Christmas, I spent the night in my own bed.  It's a little thing but it's nice to enjoy my home on Christmas morning.  Frank and I look forward to many more opportunities to share this morning together. 

Sunday, December 11, 2011


A package arrived on a day that I had grad school at night.  On my drive home from class husband informed me I had a package.  I wasn't expecting anything so I aske who it was from.  He replied that he hadn't looked.  When I got home it was a giant box from Bronners.  How can you miss a Bronners box!

 Inside was my new creche that my siblings and parents purchased for us.  It's beautiful and resides on the hutch.  Only very special items get to touch the top of the hutch and the nativity is one of them.  In this photo I was hadn't put in the figurines yet.  I was trying to be patient.  Now they're all set up and look great.

Other People's Babies

Today I made this baby blanket for a co-worker who is about to pop any minute.  I love the fabric and bought extra to make nursery curtains.  I can't wait to get started on those next weekend.  You can't tell in the pic but it goes perfectly with the paint in the nursery.  If it's a little girl, there won't be much pink in her life for a bit.

Brightening Things Up a Bit

Frank started with the outside lights the Sunday after Thanksgiving.  Today he continued and did the lights on the upper windows.  I have a feeling that by the time we are 50 our house will look like the Griswalds' at Christmas.

hookers and cookies

Unlike last year, I'm pretty much done Christmas shopping.  The in-laws are done.  Michigan family gifts have been wrapped and shipped.  My one goof up was my sister Meghan's apron.  Usually I just eyeball aprons and use myself as a model.  Being pregnant this wasn't such a good idea.  The apron came out much larger than my cute little 23 year old sister needed. 
Today I'm remaking it.  I even bought a pattern so as not to have the size issue come up again.  To me it looks like a naughty nurse apron.  It's so small.  What is exactly is that going to cover in the kitchen?
In other news, I woke the Frankie up at 8:00 am to frost cookies.  I had been up since 7:00 baking and decided it was time for him to come help.  Notice the can of Coke as he tries to wake up.  He's such a good guy.