Sunday, December 25, 2011

Santa Came!

What do you do when you have multiple chimneys but they all have wood stoves with fires going in them?  Santa can't squeeze out a wood stove.  You let him in through the front door of course.  And... you capture his footprints in flour.  Santa's real live footprints!!  At least that is what happened in our family farm house built in the 1870's.  My husband just can't believe that houses in Michigan don't have fireplaces.  When you live in the arctic your house requires more advanced heating technology.

Santa finally came to visit me at my own house last night.  After 11 years of trekking back home for Christmas, I spent the night in my own bed.  It's a little thing but it's nice to enjoy my home on Christmas morning.  Frank and I look forward to many more opportunities to share this morning together. 

1 comment:

  1. That is a neat idea to use the flour for Santas foot prints. The cookies look yummy.
