Tuesday, December 30, 2014

This Shit Just Got Real

 I may have mentioned the need for a serger once or ten thousand times to hubby.  You know, in an off handed way.  The serger arrived on Christmas morning via Santa Claus.  My first Juki and I'm in love.  This means of course that I've gone into sewing over-production.  
 Mimi is here for Christmas break and is watching the littles while I stitch away.  My dining room has been turned into a sweat shop with an art studio attached for the toddler.  Everyone is very happy in their creative zen.
 As one of my favorite quilting bloggers said once, "Teach me to make something easy, and I will make a million of them."  That's where I am right now.  Meredith will be wearing nothing but Oliver+S Puppet Show shorts this summer.  Each pair takes about half a yard.  Do you know how many half yard scraps I have around the house?  Tons.  That's lots of free shorts.
 The best part is how pretty the finished serged seams are.  I'm in love.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Christmas in October

On Facebook I posted that I was doing Christmas sewing before Halloween.  Several people left sarcastic comments about how they hate when this happens.  Obviously, they are not sewers.  I jumped the gun on Christmas sewing when I saw the Melly Sews free robe pattern.  Last year I found this green flannel.  There were only two yards left.  I wasn't sure what to do with it, but I wanted it.  So I stashed it.  It came in handy this year when my oldest started trying to wear the 9 month baby bathrobe after shower time.
 Right now the sleeves are way too long, but that's okay.  I want this robe to last at least two years.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Lumpy Butt

 Pumpkins, babies, boots, and my new favorite cape!

Hubby likes to take pictures of landscapes and buildings.  He does a good job with that.  Taking pictures of people...not so much.  The Oliver and S Woodland Stroll cape got finished a few weeks back and the weather suddenly cooled so that I could wear it.  I asked hubby to take photos of me in it.  He did.  But he forgot to mention that my phone was in my pocket or that my butt looked all lumpy.  We need to work on his photo assistant roll.  I guess you can't complain too much about free help.

Frozen Finish

I love a finish.  Here is our little red head in her frozen dress.  The top is a boys' 3T top.  I cut three inches off the sleeves and cut out the collar.  I then took some underwear elastic I had laying around, (I may have 70 yards of underwear elastic) and finished the cuffs and collar.  I also pleated the collar.  There is so much more I want to learn about working with knits.  Wish there were time for mommy to go to sewing school.  Until then, I'll just keeping reading blogs.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Not On My List

When I made my summer sewing to do list, this skirt was not on it.  But, I've made two of them and nothing else on my list.  The short sleeve sweater I got at Goodwill.  So, $5 for the sweater, $10 for material, and $5 for the pattern makes this a $20 outfit.  Ok, ok, the shoes add in too, but who counts that as an expense?

Here is the pattern I used.  I didn't use the pockets on this one and I pleated the skirt instead of using gathers.
Notice there is nothing in the hutch.  Unloading all the china is also on my summer to do list.  I did paint most of the dining room though.

I also bought a package of 25 zippers for $9.  I only used one, so how much does that add to the cost of the outfit?

Friday, June 6, 2014

Four Years Later...

Finished piecing this quilt in January on maternity leave.  Sent it to Utah where a friend of mine's mother quilted it on her long arm.  Put the binding on and now it is happily on our bed.
 Did I forget to mention the back is its own quilt?  I made a Turning Twenty out of a pile of fabric mom sent me years ago.  Hubby likes the back more than the front.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Mistakes Will Happen

 Here is my first attempt at an Oliver+S Playdate dress.  My biggest goof up was how I pasted together the digital pattern print out.  I made the back piece way too small and therefore had to add this blue piece at the bottom for length.  I do love the pleating and buttons.  I still need to work on making the yoke look nice.  I'll keep working on it.

Friday, May 30, 2014

A First Time for Everything

I never say yes.  When people ask me to make them a quilt I avoid answering.  I've been burned more times that I care to recall.  This time was different.   A coworker asked me to work on her grandmother's quilt.  I hemmed and hawed.  It sat in a pile for a few weeks. 
Finally, I brought it home and knocked it out.  It was a bit of a challenge because of the quilt's age.  I couldn't stretch or pull too much.  The corners and edges had started to fray.  I think the stippling has helped to stabalize the blocks.
The pink and blue blocks are my favorites and maybe the oldest fabrics in the quilt.
This time was different because of the reaction I got when I handed my coworker her grandmother's quilt.  She was very appreciative.  She teared up.  You could tell that preserving her grandmother's work meant a lot to her.  The hours stitching in the basement were now all worth it to me.  Most of the time I only sew for myself and gifts because that is what brings me joy.  This time, quilting for hire has brought me joy.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

To do list:

To steal a line from my favorite nephew; "Can YOU focus?"  The answer right now is no.  I have so many projects swimming around in my head I don't know where to start.

Tonight I worked on the Izzy Top but making it as a dress.  If I could just have an hour uninterrupted I could finish.  That will never happen.  Two little girls got vaccines today so there is a considerable amount of crabbiness going on.

Summer Sewing To do List:
Izzy Top Dress for Meredith
Shirt dress for me
Bebe Dress
Oliver+S Playdate Dress
Two stick horses
Giraffe diaper bag
Linen School House Tunic
Purse for me
Here is my first successful School House tunic.  More to come.