Sunday, June 21, 2015

Frozen in June

Father's Day went something like this.  Get up, do the dishes, make DH breakfast.  Head to the basement.  Clean out room in basement, sweeping up ten tons of kitty litter.  Put toddler to bed and send DH to store with preschooler.
 Cut up and stitch together two Minnie Mouse sun dresses.  Speedy quick, no talent required project.  DH returns with sleeping preschooler and begins to install new car radio.  I then cut out Frozen flannel pj pants and have them done lickety split.  We test drove car with new radio.  Came home, cut out winter pj top and assembled before a late dinner.  In 22 minutes there is a new Masterpiece Theater on PBS.  I couldn't be happier.

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