Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Can't Stop--Must Sew

It's been decided...by me...that it takes three sewing machines to make one article of clothing.  The Janome for straight stitching, the Pfaff for twin needle top stitching, and the Juki for serging seams.  This tri-fecta has created several pieces of clothing that I'm completely satisfied with.  Usually on a garment there is always something I'm unhappy with.  This is not true lately.  There are no puckers or gaping.  Alleluia!

Meredith's summer wardrobe is coming along.  This weekend I worked on a pair of capris and two cardigans.  All from Simplicity 2469.  I got the pattern for $1!!!  So far I've used it three times and I have plans for another set of capris.  That's $.25 per use.
 I may have just ordered another cardigan pattern with long sleeves and a fitted neck line.  I'm hoping to modify the pattern to include a Peter Pan collar.  Why is JoAnn's so far away from me?  I keep looking at online websites for knit fabrics but I have a hard time committing online.  I am a tactile shopper.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My Stash

What does it say about your fabric collection when you can make your daughter's entire summer wardrobe from "scraps?"  I've been steadily producing for two weeks and haven't bought a new piece of fabric yet.  I did do some binge fabric shopping last spring when Fabric.com had a big sale.  Most of my trim work has also been on hand.  Does this suggest I have a problem? 
This tank top is the Sis Boom Tobago Tank.  In a size 3/4.  Don't you love how the twin needle does top stitching?  I'm not a huge fan of how this pattern does the shoulder seams but I guess it's ok.  It would be hard to do them the right way with such narrow shoulder pieces.

I'd also like to thank all those bloggers who post tutorials.  Without them, I couldn't serge or use my new twin needle, among countless other skills.

Sunday, January 4, 2015


I'll admit it.  I've been binge sewing.  I can't stop.  Ever since the Juki came to live at my house I've been on a garment sewing rampage.  It makes everything go faster.  I had this idea in my head from a post on pinterest from Craftiness is Not Optional.  Problem is... I'm not a great pattern drafter.   I needed a toddler t-shirt pattern at least.  I found one at Craftsy from Sweet Shop Sewing.  With a template to start with I could begin to make Meredith a summer tunic.  To begin with I used one of Frank's old work shirts.

Things were going swimmingly at 1:30 am when I made a rookie mistake on the serger.  When I ripped out the seam I tore the sleeve.  Even after trying to patch the hole it was obvious the shirt was a gonner.  That's ok.  It was practice and free material.
 When I woke up this morning I made another version of the same tunic with a collar and collar facing.  I drafted both all by myself!!!!!  Although, my facing needs work.  I also made a blue linen version but it's in the wash at the moment.  I told you I couldn't sleep.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Summer Sewing

The summer sewing continues.  Today I used a vintage pattern from my mom.  The size was listed as 3 Toddler.  It looks a little small for our toddler.  This might turn into the one year olds jumper.
 I was able to whip this jumper out in four hours and get baths done and the dishes.  Oh, and the laundry.  Like 48 loads got done today so I don't feel guilty about sewing for a good bit.
 The Pfaff does button holes in a flash.  4 button holes were done in no time.  The serger made it so I didn't have any bulky seams.  It's almost like I know what I'm doing around here.

2015 Goal

This year my personal/sewing goal is to not buy any new RTW item besides bras and socks since I can't make those.  My closet is fully stocked and anything I need I should be able to make or buy at Goodwill.  Goodwill doesn't count as new.  What do you think?  Can I do it?

Oh, by the way... buying copious amounts of sewing patterns is ok. Just ordered this one.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Goodwill Find

 Mimi has a thing about going to thrift stores to find children's books for her classroom.  Ok, I say she has a thing.  Really it's an obsession.  She packed only two outfits for a two week visits so that she could have more room for books.  This is a sign that she has a problem.
 I digress.  After Mimi found a pile of used books at the local Goodwill I went in.  I found a few knits to refashion, a flannel shirt for me and these coral capris.  They were in a larger size so there was plenty of room to cut out a pair of shorts for the toddler.  The reason they were at Goodwill?  The previous owner couldn't fix a hem.  See the tape?  BAH!  So sad for those who can't sew.  My gain.
 Since the pants were the color of the week that got 50% off I got the pants for $2.50.  Woot woot!  And...I got a bunch of notions off the cut up pants.  This might be how hoarders start.

Cleaning Up My Act

January is the month to organize right?  Something I've been baffled about organizing for months has been my downloaded patterns.  They have been just sitting in a pile all helter-skelter.  This morning, while my hubby and the toddler drove Mimi to the airport, I finally figured out how to organize the pile.
 There is a bin in the basement with all my leftover teaching stuff that I just don't know what to do with.  It's still useful stuff so it stays.  In that bin were manila envelopes.  Perfect.  Big patterns in the big envelopes and little patterns in the smaller envelopes.
Why does it take me so long to figure these things out?