Sunday, January 4, 2015


I'll admit it.  I've been binge sewing.  I can't stop.  Ever since the Juki came to live at my house I've been on a garment sewing rampage.  It makes everything go faster.  I had this idea in my head from a post on pinterest from Craftiness is Not Optional.  Problem is... I'm not a great pattern drafter.   I needed a toddler t-shirt pattern at least.  I found one at Craftsy from Sweet Shop Sewing.  With a template to start with I could begin to make Meredith a summer tunic.  To begin with I used one of Frank's old work shirts.

Things were going swimmingly at 1:30 am when I made a rookie mistake on the serger.  When I ripped out the seam I tore the sleeve.  Even after trying to patch the hole it was obvious the shirt was a gonner.  That's ok.  It was practice and free material.
 When I woke up this morning I made another version of the same tunic with a collar and collar facing.  I drafted both all by myself!!!!!  Although, my facing needs work.  I also made a blue linen version but it's in the wash at the moment.  I told you I couldn't sleep.

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